Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bain Boys & Cleaning...Toilets

How is it that guys can not seem to hit the rather large target of an inside of a toilet? I get so disgusted at the toilets that today, I made them clean all three toilets! One for the MOMMY!!! I think any mother who has boys hears me loud and clear.

Logan, "Ah, this is disgusting! It stinks!"

Mommy, "Yes, that's right Logan and this is how you are going to learn to pee in the pot."

He moaned but yet marveled at the amount of spots that they hit. Coulson was just excited to help clean, he could have cared less as to WHY he was cleaning the toilets. He is my party boy that I'm going to go insane over.

I hope that you are having as great of a Saturday as we are. It is amazing how the sunlight can have such an effect on you!

Well, I'm off to finish some tidying up as we're having Brad & Denise over for a Wii Throw Down and pizza.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.



Jeff, Tina, Ian, and Jade Saad said...

Can I send my son and HUSBAND up for lessons on cleaning the toliet?? I feel your pain!!

Mercy said...

I so hear you on the toilets and we now have FIVE boys aiming terribly. The three older boys rotate chores so they only have to clean 2 bathrooms every third Saturday...I am too picky to let them do mine!