Sunday, November 27, 2011

Left, Right or Straight?

Coulson, can be such a complicated little kid but at the same time so simple. At this stage, he's eight and can't decide which way he's going to hold his hockey stick. He now has a Lefty, Righty & Straight edge sticks. At what point will he decide which is most comfortable or will this be an advantage for him down the road?

Watching stick handling drills yesterday was crazy. He decided to use his Righty stick but during drills, would take turns and switching to Lefty. He refused to use the Straight edge.

Any suggestions?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Express Sunday Skate

Sunday, Nov. 13 was a home game for the Chicago Express and yet another game where I was taking the boys without Scott because of work. My dear friend Vicki joined us from Rockford and the boys entertained her for the day!

It all started with the boys taking pictures of the players during warm ups and my two boys wanting to be on the ice with them. Buying season tickets has definitely increase their passion for hockey. All they talk about is skating to the point where I'm beginning to consider building a little ice rink in the back yard for them to burn off energy during the winter. Sounds like a good idea, huh?

The game was a hard fought game. The Express lead most of the game but Gwinnett came back to tie which caused OT then a shoot out. Unfortunately, the Express lost.

The game was on Sunday and part of their marketing is to have an open skate with the players after every Sunday home game. As my two boys were so excited, Logan was the first nonplayer to take the ice. Here are some pictures.

Logan as the first skater on the ice.

Below is Kyle Ostrow skating around with Coulson.

Tyler Johnson and Logan...

During the skate it was really cool as player, Pierre-Luc Faubert skated around the entire ice with a kid who could barely stand on the ice. It was awesome the compassion he showed to skate with this kid. These players will even say, "Thanks for coming out." Its an awesome family friendly environment.

Have a great day, time for a conference call.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Bain Boys & Us: Morphsuit Boy at Chicago Express Game 10/19/2011

Morphsuit Boy at Chicago Express Game 10/19/2011

Its Halloween weekend, I'm taking a friend who I haven't seen in ooverfive years to an ECHL Chicago Express game. The Express was giving kids an opportunity to trick or treat with the players after the game. My kids and their friend Mikey took FULL advantage of wearing their costumes.

Scott was on You Tube watching a fight from one of his favorite players, Bobby Robins, when he came across a video talking the The Morphsuit Kid. That Morphsuit kid was Logan. Watch the video, its funny! Look at the next posting and hit the title.