Sunday, March 2, 2008

Bitter Sweet

Saying Good-bye to some of my customers is really hard considering I've known some for 12 years and others seven. I've received many hugs, lots of good wishes and a part of me with the question, "Am I doing the right thing?" This coming week will be more of a challenge as I plan on visiting more close customers over the next week or so as I start my new job on March 10.

Coulson has the flu bug. Last night the poor little guy got sick and was so worried about his jammies being dirty. Gave him Motrin, he slept and came into our room this morning about 4:00 am. His fever was back but higher now at 102.3. He's been home from school and sleeping.

Tomorrow, hopefully he will be better so he can go to school. He is quite the socialite as all the girls just love him. When he leaves school, he will walk around and gives hugs to EVERY girl there. The girls in his class even color him pictures, HE IS FOUR! What will it be like when he's in high school?

Yesterday was so nice here, we literally had a 50+ degree day. I took full advantage of it, dressed the boys accordingly, and out we went. The rode their bikes, big wheels, colored the drive with chalk, played baseball, basketball and soccer. They were wanting to play football next when the rain started. The fresh air was amazing!

Spring is on its way, positive thinking!

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