Monday, June 6, 2011

Hockey is over for now...

Yesterday, the boys played in the final game of their Bruins Season with a loss. Even though the loss was devestating, those 9 boys played their hearts out! They never gave up!

Team Bruins learned so much! For starters they learned how to play as a team by positions, passing and skating with a common goal. What was so great about this experience for them is that the coaching they had was great! These coaches really helped develop the natural talent of some while teaching others. They gave each kid and opportunity to play goalie if they wanted, who some wanted to play it more than others. Other kids know their strength as being a defenseman while others are true offensive players. Watching the skill sets develop for these kids was amazing and I'm so proud of all of them.

Even though Logan and Coulson chose not to play baseball and continue with hockey, they haven't complained once. These guys of mine are so happy to have friends from other suburbs. Myself, I love the fact that I'm getting these kids involved outside of everything in Oswego. Please don't misunderstand me here, I love Oswego and we are involved in our town but I do believe it builds confidence, more character and contributes to making a well rounded individual by not falling into the mindset,
"This is the only way to be" attitude that you sometimes see in communities and neighborhoods. Having an extended group of friends outside your immediate community is awesome.

Yesterday, we celebrated the boys "friends" birthday party with 42 kids at International Ice Center. There were about 6 kids who have never skated before and they loved it. Everyone else loved skating and parents even took the ice. I'll post pictures this week.

May was a busy montth for us. We celebrated the boys birthdays May 2 & 9 with First Communion May 7. Hockey games and practice in the middle and school coming to an end. Its been crazy! We have managed to plan another baseball game and field to check of Scott's list. In a few weeks we'll be heading to Cincinnati to see the Blue Jays play the Reds. While we're out that way, we are talking about visiting Mammoth Cave too since it isn't too far away.

Have a great day!

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