Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hurricane Holli

Over the past two weeks, I've been going through closets cleaning, organizing and making piles for purgue, donation and recycling. Scott has been calling me Hurricane Holli as I've made my way from every room in the house and it feels awesome. I do this about twice a year but this time, I've gone a little further.

With Scott working the crazy schedule, I've decided that a winter project that I am going to undertake is to start scrapbooking. Yes, me being creative and it isn't with cooking. I've had all the supplies but never the time to sit down and do it. Now, I've even organized a photo box so I'm already to go.

Today the boys and I took all our donations and recyled old electronics, ect to Oswego's extravaganza. We are ready for fall and winter. Next week we'll work on getting mums and stuff done in the yard.

Have a good weekend.


1 comment:

Jeff, Tina, Ian, and Jade Saad said...

That makes me want to just get rid of my stuff..I love cleaning out and going to Goodwill!!